Personal Aspect Entry on Trieste
I love Trieste because is the city I was born and also because I live in it for all my life. Trieste is a beautiful city from all aspects although it is small. Apart from having very important historical aspects reguarding the second it has also important aspects of entertaining. There are many cinemas, 2 malls, many shops and in winter there are also 2 luna park. In summer there is the sea, without beautiful beaches but nearby there is Grado where there is a sand beach. at Trieste in summer there is very hot, there are about 30 degrees celsius. Some years Trieste ospitates the tornament of the best 3 soccer teams in Italy and sometimes also Festivalbar, the concert of many good singers. Trieste is a wonderful city for me and probably for everybi=ody who had the occasion of come here. 143
A Series of Unfortunate Events-The hostile Hospital-synopsis 9
The three orphans, Klaus, Violet and Sunny, are in a hospital of volunteers disease fighters. The disease fighters have harts baloon and they always sing the same song. This club is full of comic and kind people who try to help the orphans.They don't have protection and they feel lonely. They become friend of the hospitals librarian.
Ovviously Count Olaf came out again always masked, while Violet needs to be operated of cranioectomy in front of many peoples.
They also get a job in the records department where they hope to find information prove that they aren't killers and tell them more of what Count Olaf is doing and where he is. Then Count Olaf find them and captures Violet. Then Klaus and Sunny try to save her before Count Olafs and his henchman cut her head off. The hospital has caught on fire and the orphans are obligated to escape in the evil car of Count Olaf.157
Historical Aspects of Trieste-Piazza Unità d'Italia
"Piazza Unità d'Italia", in English Italian Unity Square, is the main square of Trieste. This spuare is biggest square near the sea of Europe. It's longness is of about 16,000 spuare meters.The most important building of the spuare is the "Palazzo Comunale", or also called in English City Hall. There is also the Palazzo del Governo, or the Place of the Government.biult in the neo-renaissance. On the big clock in the center of te spuare there is the statue of Michele and Giacomo, also called in Triestin dialect "Micheze e Jacheze." Piazza Unità d'Italia wasn't always called like this, once it was called "Piazza Grande." This big square was renewed in in 1999-2001 and now the blue lights illuminate the square at night. In this big square there is also the best bar of all Trieste, this is called Caffè degli Specchi. 140