Monday, April 16, 2007

Geographical Entry of Trieste

Trieste is in the state of Italy, in the region of Friuli Venezia Giulia. Trieste is the easternmost city of Italy. In Friuli Venzia Giulia there are 4 cities: Trieste, Udine, Gorizia, and Pordenone. The main city is Trieste. Trieste is a city on the Adriatic sea and it has a very big gulf. Near Trieste there is Slovenia and thats why many Slovenian live at Trieste. At Opicina, a small village on a valley, there is a big forest with many trees, animals and streets.The carso is very famous for its caves. The biggest cave is the Grotta Gigante, is also the biggest cave in the world that tourist can visit. The carso extends also in Slovenia thats why there are also caves there, for example the cave sof Postummia. From Opicina you can see all Trieste and the big gulf.
At Trieste there-s a famous wind called Bora. The Bora is very strong and it can reach the 200km per hour,and it in comes directly from Siberia.171


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